Why We Should Not Change The Minimum Driving Age


Imagine you were just about to get your driver’s license but they change the driving age to 18, you would be really bummed. I’m not wrong. We should not raise the minimum driving age because it wouldn’t save lives , they would have to move out and they would have to rely on their parents. This is why we should not change the minimum driving age. 




We should not change the minimum driving age because it wouldn’t save lives. They would have no experience. For example. If you were 17 and you wanted to go party but your parents were gone so you drive to the party and get in a crash.  They would run out of gas. For example. They would spend their money a car, food, and a house so they could run out of gas in the middle of the desert.  Money for a car takes away money for food. For example.  If you wanted a burger but you bought a car you would have no money left. This is why you shouldn’t change the minimum driving age. 




We should not change the minimum driving age because  they would have to move out. They would have to say at home and do nothing. For example.If they bought a house they would not have driver’s license because the driving age would be 18. They would have to pay for a house. That’s a lot of money. If they move out they would have to pay for the driver’s license they would have to have somebody to take them there. That is a lot This shows that they would have to move out and that is a lot of money.




The last reason is they would have to rely on their parents. For instance, there parents would have to take them everywhere intel there 18, that could case family drama. Another reason is your parent would have to take you to college. Another reason is family members would drive you to you driver lessons. That is why you should not driving age.




This proves that we should not change the minimum driving age because it would not save lives, they would have to move out and they would have to rely on their parents. 







Dogs Are Brilliant

     Strange but true fact dogs can sniff out money and dogs can sniff your feelings that’s cool right. Dogs are the best pets in the world because they have a good sniffer, there helpful, and playful. This is important because a dog can save your life     

     The first reason dogs are the best pets is have good sniffers. Dogs can sniff out bombs. for example, If a bad guy hid a bomb the dog would smell the out bomb and make sure nothing gets blown up. Another reason is dogs can smell much further than humans. for example, if  you lost something like if you lost person you  would let the dog sniff one of their things out and then they would smell out the person and find them. After a few days can still smell the trail. for example,if a bad guy when being chased down after a few days the dog can still sniff out the trail. This is why I think dogs have a good sniffer.

The second reason dogs are the best pets is they are helpful. Dogs help blind people. For example if a blind person was trying to cross the road and they had a dog the dog would help them. Dogs help police officers. For example. Dog help police officers sniff out bad drugs at the airport so police officers can take it away. They can be guard dogs. For example. If so one is threatening you and you have a dog with you the dog will most likely protect you. This shows that dogs are helpful. 

The third reason dogs are the best pets is they are playful. Dogs like to play fetch. For example. My dog likes to take the ball for it self and all my other dogs would chase her. Most dog want you to give them belly rubes. For example. Dogs will lay on their backs and you would most likely give them belly rubes. Dog want you to take them on walks. For example. My dog barks if they want to go on walks. This is important because you can spend more time with your dog. 

Dogs are the best pets in the world because they have a good sniffer, there helpful, and playful. This is important because dogs can be a big part of your life. Take actions now and adopt a shelter dog!! 





Good friends

laughing                                                                                                                                      Giggles                                                                                                                                         Happy excite                                                                                                                             Nerviest to meet them                                                                                                   Without friendship I would fall apart.



The pumpkin disaster

It started when I went to my grandpa and grandma and we carved a pumpkin I carved a vampire in my pumpkin my Mom carved a werewolf in hers my Brother carved a skeleton in his. And my other Brother carved   a dog in his pumpkin My Auntie carved a face in her pumpkin. My other Auntie Carved An eyeball in hers .

Well when we had to leave we took our pumpkins with us we put the pumpkins on our laps. I was mad at my Brother he Put my  pumpkin On his lap!!!!”Ha ha ,”said my Brother

My Mom said,” Put the pumpkins on the deck”. my Brother said,” okay.”So my Brother put the Pumpkins on the deck .

I started counting the pumpkin one through five but there was a crab pot at the end.

 What’s I reached the end of the pumpkin line I smacked my head on the crab pot I didn’t like it I forgot I about it the next day. But I Still have a bump in my head.  

The Disney Land Trip

 I went to Disneyland and me and my family stayed in a big hotel  my sister came too and  me and her share the room.   Me and my sister slept on bunk bed she had top I had bottom. My other  two sisters slept with my dad and mom and  my brothers slept on the other bunk bed . “That’s not fair,” said my sister.


On  the first and second day We went on a couple of rides  exploring most of the time .Everybody was really tired .

 On the second day and the first day  I also had to get up really early I was very tired but the rides made me not so tired .The rides was super fun I wanted to go on  all the rides but I couldn’t because  we were only there for a wee                                                                                                                                                                                            I seen a really fun ride but I was  not tall enough. I was really sad and I had to  sit out for this one .We went to go get ice cream after my brother almost threw up And I laughed at him.”ha ha,”I said.                                                                                       

 My brother  Chase  me  and my sister. So he Wasn’t allowed  to go on rides  for 20 minutes  and we made fun of him.  “Shot up,” said my brother.

So I found and more fun ride and even my dad road it.